SmD-Study Weeks in the years 2010 to 2013

In the fall of 2010, the SmD Project organized Study Weeks for the first time, both in Mundgod and in Bylakuppe, for the SmD students from all the local monasteries. Based on the great success of the first Study Weeks, they were held again in 2011 through 2013. In contrast to their continuous classes, the participating monks and nuns were freed from all monastic duties during a Study Week and could therefore concentrate fully on this week's subject. The lessons were taught by a specially assembled team of Tibetans, Indians and Westerners. Western natural sciences were taught, as well as Buddhist philosophy. A Study Week, on the one hand, was to provide a deeper insight into Western scientific thinking and, on the other hand, it was to acquaint the monks and nuns with possibilities for dialogue between both worlds. Monastic students, as well as their teachers, experienced Study Weeks as highly motivating.
Main themes of past Study Weeks:
2010 | Space and Time |
2011 | Brain and Mind |
2012 | Ecology |
2013 | Light (picture gallery) |
From 2014 onwards the study weeks (held earlier in Bylakuppe and Mundgod) have been replaced by "Science Introduction Workshops". These are offered by SmD to monasteries, which so far had no chance to gain experience with natural science education.