Support for the "Tibetan Scientific Society" (TSS)

The "Tibetan Scientific Society" (TSS) is an association of Tibetan scientists independent from the governing body. The goals of the "Tibetan Scientific Society" are to aid young Tibetans in gaining access to university scientific studies and the scientific working world; to facilitate networking between Tibetan scientists; and to build a bridge between Tibetan society and the Western scientific world.
Since 2011, the SmD project has been offering financial and consulting assistance to the TSS in the running of their conclaves, which take place every two years. This highly professionally organised multi-day conference encourages dialogue between the scientific world and the Buddhist body of thought. In particular, in addition to young Tibetan laypersons, representatives of the monasteries are invited to this occasion. Each conclave is dedicated to a specific scientific topic. The "Tibetan Scientific Society" is an important point of contact for the monastery with regard to recruiting teachers for natural science teaching within the monastery or for receiving advice on preparing instruction.